4–7 Nov 2019
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How do we take architectural decisions in eBay Classifieds Group

Engin Yöyen (eBay Classified Group)
15:0015:45 Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Location: M8
Secondary topics:  Case Study
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 4 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Architects, software engineers, CTOs, engineering and business leaders, managers, and executives




Designing and building distributed systems is challenging. It does, however, get enormously complex when you try to build a platform with the collaboration of hundreds of people across different time zones. The eBay Classified Group is building a leading online platform that’s adaptable to the requirements of marketplaces all around the world. Each local market has its own requirements and working methodologies as well as existing user base. Integrating a platform that already has millions of users is an enormous challenge, which requires discipline as well as magnificent planning.

Engin Yöyen highlights eBay’s insights, principles, and practices that it employed while working with product management and cross-functional teams spread around the globe. He shares the company’s real-world experiences of making agricultural decisions, collaborating across time zones, centralizing software solutions, anticipating bottlenecks and embracing for it, and encouraging engineers to make an architectural decision.

Prerequisite knowledge

  • Experience with software development, software architecture, and working in a business environment

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to make architectural decisions in a complex project with many different integration endpoints, different requirements based on market places, and with the collaboration of hundreds of people around the world
Photo of Engin Yöyen

Engin Yöyen

eBay Classified Group

Engin Yöyen is a software architect at the eBay Classified Group, where he focuses on building consumer-facing technologies. He has a wealth of software development, design, and architecture experience from his years spent working in digital technology sectors such as telecommunications, education, IoT, and ecommerce. He studied computer science and psychology, as well as business administration. Besides all that he is a father, motorcyclist, and a humble cook.

  • AXA
  • Contentful
  • Datadog
  • HERE Technologies
  • QAware
  • SIG
  • Zara Tech
  • GitLab
  • NearForm
  • WhiteSource
  • Cloud Native Computing Foundation

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