Engineering the Future of Software
29–31 Oct 2018: Tutorials & Conference
31 Oct–1 Nov 2018: Training
London, UK

How to improve your architectural visualizations

13:1514:05 Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Leadership skills
Location: King's Suite - Balmoral
Secondary topics:  Best Practice, Overview
Average rating: ****.
(4.00, 11 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Architects

What you'll learn

  • Explore theories and practical examples of architecture-relevant visual communication, especially for communicating to non-IT stakeholders


Describing software or IT architectures and effectively communicating about architecture to business stakeholders is a relevant and important skill for architects. After all, many architectural decisions are made by others, so they need to be informed with clear, honest, intelligible, and helpful information and advice. But it’s also hard, especially when communicating with nontechnical stakeholders.

Jochem Schulenklopper shares relevant theories, techniques, and examples of creating architecture visualizations that are attractive, informative, and easier to understand for nontechnical audiences. Jochem focuses on eight facets of the visual communication of architecture: basic visual attributes, composition and layout, color, text, graphs, sketches, icons and images, and stories.

Photo of Jochem Schulenklopper

Jochem Schulenklopper


Jochem Schulenklopper is a Netherlands-based IT architect at Xebia, an international IT consultancy company.

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Picture of Jochem Schulenklopper
Jochem Schulenklopper | IT ARCHITECT
31/10/2018 16:23 GMT

Slides — all 100 of them — can be found here: