Fueling innovative software
July 15-18, 2019
Portland, OR

Cullen Taylor
Technical Marketing Manager, GitLab

Cullen Taylor is a Technical Marketing Manager at GitLab focusing on the Cloud Native ecosystem. He has been working with and advocating for Kubernetes since 2017, and was previously involved with the OpenStack cloud computing platform in an engineering position. He is passionate about automation, configuration management, infrastructure-as-code, and playing the guitar.


9:00am12:30pm Monday, July 15, 2019
Secondary topics:  Cloud Native
Priyanka Sharma (GitLab), Cullen Taylor (GitLab)
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Break the shackles of vendor lock-in. Sébastien Goasguen and Priyanka Sharma walk you through deploying serverless functions to any cloud provider of your choice. Read more.