Fueling innovative software
July 15-18, 2019
Portland, OR
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Michael Hunger

Michael Hunger
Chief Connector, Neo4j

Website | @mesirii

Michael Hunger is a chief connector at Neo4j and has been passionate about software development for more than 25 years. He’s especially active in the Java/Java virtual machine (JVM) community and is honored to be a Java Champion. He’s been filling many roles while working on the open source Neo4j graph database. As caretaker general of the Neo4j community, he especially loves to work with graph-related projects, users, and contributors. As a developer, Michael enjoys many aspects of programming languages, learning new things every day, participating in exciting and ambitious open source projects and contributing and writing software related books and articles. He’s spoken at numerous conferences and helped organized several of them. He helps kids to learn to program by running weekly girls-only coding classes at local schools.


4:15pm4:55pm Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Next Architecture
Location: Portland 255
Secondary topics:  Cloud Native
Michael Hunger (Neo4j)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 2 ratings)
With the optimizing Graal Compiler added to Java 11 and the language implementations in Truffle for Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and R, it becomes possible to run them natively on the Java virtual machine (JVM), even exchanging data between them. Michael Hunger explains how you can make use of that impressive capability. Read more.