Fueling innovative software
July 15-18, 2019
Portland, OR

Enabling the open source enterprise (sponsored by GitHub)

Cory Dobson (GitHub)
9:35am10:00am Tuesday, July 16, 2019
InnerSource Day, Sponsored
Location: E143/144

Join Cory Dobson to learn how GitHub is enabling a new breed of companies—open source enterprises, which are transforming how they build software with an InnerSource mindset and adoption of an open source culture. You’ll hear how GitHub is investing in tools to enable these companies to innovate freely with OSS, mitigate potential security risks, and establish a bidirectional relationship with the open source community behind their own four walls.

This session is sponsored by GitHub.

Photo of Cory Dobson

Cory Dobson


Cory Dobson is an Enterprise Solutions Engineer at GitHub, drummer, and photographer. At GitHub, Cory is a technical advisor for enterprises looking to implement new Git workflows, securely use open source software, and innovate the development process with GitHub. Previously, Cory held API and platform engineering roles at Algolia and VSCO.