Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR
Lokesh Kumar Goel

Lokesh Kumar Goel
webOS Platform Team Lead, LG Electronics

Lokesh Kumar Goel leads the webOS platform team at LG Electronics’s Silicon Valley Lab, where he and his team are responsible for delivering webOS platform and application frameworks for LG products as well as open source versions including the browser stack and web application runtime that are the heart of webOS and make HTML5 apps look, feel, and perform like native applications.


4:15pm4:55pm Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Location: E143/144
Level: Beginner
Dong Park (LG Electronics), Steve Lemke (LG Electronics), Lokesh Kumar Goel (LG Electronics)
Challenges are what make life interesting. WebOS OSE is what makes development meaningful. Joseph Park, Steve Lemke, and Lokesh Kumar Goel offer an overview of webOS Open Source Edition and explain how to use webOS OSE to create and use apps and services with Enact and Luna. Join in to see how you can get started contributing to the project. Read more.