Put open source to work
July 16–17, 2018: Training & Tutorials
July 18–19, 2018: Conference
Portland, OR

What is WebXR, and what do you need to know about it?

Rabimba Karanjai (Rice University | Mozilla)
11:00am11:40am Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Emerging languages
Location: E145
Level: Intermediate

Who is this presentation for?

  • Program managers, developers, and entrepreneurs

Prerequisite knowledge

  • Familiarity with VR (useful but not required)

What you'll learn

  • Explore the technologies involved in WebVR, MR, and AR
  • Learn how to build VR and AR experiences
  • Understand what is possible today and some pitfalls you may encounter along the way


The virtual world is cluttered. There’s no other way to put it. We have VR, AR, MR, XR, and more other technologies and jargon than ever before. But what does it all mean for a developer? Are these technologies relevant? Should you learn new technologies to build on each platform or keep on iterating on technologies until the industry and users fix their minds on one?

If you’re curious about all the commotion about AR, VR, and MR and are trying to decide which option will be best for your next project, or if you want to learn how to build mixed reality experiences that run on any platform, join Rabimba Karanjai to explore the state of web mixed reality (WebXR) and what you can do with it. Rabimba explains how the Mozilla mixed reality team is bridging the gap between all these technologies and bringing the power back to the open web. You’ll discover how to build a WebVR app using A-Frame and how to build a WebAR app without markers using WebXR APIs without any vendor lock-in. You’ll also see how you can help these projects succeed.

Photo of Rabimba Karanjai

Rabimba Karanjai

Rice University | Mozilla

Rabimba Karanjai is a full-time graduate researcher at Rice University, a part-time hacker, and a FOSS enthusiast. He works with Mozilla Research’s mixed reality team on WebVR. Rabimba is a Mozilla Tech Speaker and would love to chat with you about VR, AR, security, and the Open Web over a cup of coffee or a bottle of beer.