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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Cheryl Quah

Cheryl Quah
Senior Software Engineer, Bloomberg LP

Cheryl Quah is a senior software engineer at Bloomberg LP, where she develops applications to improve financial professionals’ research and investment workflows.


5:00pm–5:40pm Thursday, August 24, 2017
Usage and application
Location: Nassau Level: Intermediate
Srinivas Kumar Sunkara (Bloomberg LP), Cheryl Quah (Bloomberg LP)
Strong partnerships between the open source community and industry have driven many recent developments in Jupyter. Srinivas Sunkara and Cheryl Quah discuss the results of some of these collaborations, including JupyterLab, bqplot, and enhancements to ipywidgets that greatly enrich Jupyter as an environment for data science and quantitative financial research. Read more.