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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Alexandre Archambault

Alexandre Archambault
Software Engineer,


Alexandre Archambault is a software and data engineer, and a contributor to or author of various Scala projects, including coursier and shapeless.


11:55am–12:35pm Friday, August 25, 2017
Location: Nassau Level: Intermediate
Alexandre Archambault explores why an official Scala kernel for Jupyter has yet to emerge. Part of the answer lies in the fact that there is no user-friendly, easy-to-use Scala shell in the console (i.e., no IPython for Scala). But there's a new contender, Ammonite—although it still has to overcome a few challenges, not least being supporting by big data frameworks like Spark, Scio, and Scalding. Read more.