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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY
Skipper Seabold

Skipper Seabold
Director of Data Science, Civis Analytics

Website | @jseabold

Skipper Seabold is Director of Data Science at Civis Analytics, a data science software and services company. He leads product-facing data science research and development, directing a large and diverse team of data scientists in building core exploratory and modeling software for the Civis Data Science Platform. Prior to Civis, Skipper worked at DataPad (acquired by Cloudera). He’s an economist by training and has a decade of experience working in the Python data community. He started and led the statsmodels Python project, was formerly on the core pandas team, and has contributed to many packages in the Python data stack. He holds strong opinions about writing and barbecue.


5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, August 25, 2017
Usage and application
Location: Beekman/Sutton North Level: Beginner
Skipper Seabold (Civis Analytics), Lori Eich (Civis Analytics)
It’s not enough just to give data scientists access to Jupyter notebooks in the cloud. Skipper Seabold and Lori Eich argue that to build truly data-driven organizations, everyone from data scientists and managers to business stakeholders needs to work in concert to bring data science out of the wilderness and into the core of decision-making processes. Read more.