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The official Jupyter Conference
August 22-23, 2017: Training
August 23-25, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
New York, NY

Xeus: A framework for writing native Jupyter kernels

Sylvain Corlay (QuantStack), Johan Mabille (QuantStack)
5:00pm–5:40pm Friday, August 25, 2017
Location: Murray Hill Level: Intermediate

Who is this presentation for?

  • Data scientists and computer science professors

What you'll learn

  • Learn how the modular architecture of xeus can serve as an inspiration for developers writing kernels in other languages
  • Explore a new C++ kernel based on the Cling interpreter built with xeus


Xeus takes on the burden of implementing the Jupyter kernel protocol so that kernel authors can focus on more easily implementing the language-specific part of the kernel and support features, such as autocomplete or interactive widgets. Sylvain Corlay and Johan Mabille showcase a new C++ kernel based on the Cling interpreter built with xeus.

Xeus facilitates the authoring of new kernels, especially for languages for which the interpreter has a C or C++ API, such as Cling, Lua, Python, or V8. Unlike a lot of wrapper kernels, which only capture the standard output of the interpreter, xeus can truly embed the interpreter and use it as a library. This allows greater integration than with a simple capture of the textual output.

Photo of Sylvain Corlay

Sylvain Corlay


Sylvain Corlay is the founder of QuantStack and a quant researcher specializing in stochastic analysis and optimal control. Previously, Sylvain was a quant researcher at Bloomberg LP and an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University and NYU. As an open source developer, Sylvain mostly contributes to Project Jupyter in the area of interactive widgets and lower-level components such as traitlets. He is also a member of the steering committee of the project. Sylvain is also a contributor to a number of other open source projects for scientific computing and data visualization, such as bqplot, pythreejs, and ipyleaflet, and coauthored the xtensor C++ tensor algebra library. He holds a PhD in applied mathematics from University Paris VI.

Photo of Johan Mabille

Johan Mabille


Johan Mabille is a scientific software developer at QuantStack, where he specializes in high-performance computing in C++. Previously, Johan was a quant developer at HSBC. An open source developer, Johan is the coauthor of xtensor and xeus and the main author of xsimd. He holds a master’s degree in computer science from Centrale-Supelec.