Building a Better Web
June 19–20, 2017: Training
June 20–22, 2017: Tutorials & Conference
San Jose, CA

Keeping real with web

Ben Foxall (Independent)
4:25pm–5:05pm Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Future JS & Functional
Location: 212 A/B
Secondary topics:  Progressive web apps, Responsive web design, Smarter web (AI, Bots, Virtual Reality, Gaming)
Average rating: ****.
(4.50, 2 ratings)

Who is this presentation for?

  • Frontend developers, UX designers, and anyone interested in VR

Prerequisite knowledge

  • A basic understanding of JavaScript (useful but not required)

What you'll learn

  • Understand the principles behind VR and related web APIs, how VR content may fit with their existing data, and new ways of presenting data


With ever-more-accessible hardware and native support in web platforms, virtual reality is set to become part of our daily lives, both as consumers and developers. Ben Foxall explores the features and capabilities of WebVR, showing how it can be used to create meaningful (and useful) applications, and explains how uniquely complementary this is to the rest of our web platform.

Topics include:

  • The features and capabilities required of VR displays and controls and how these are provided using existing and new browser APIs
  • How VR fits into our current web experiences, looking at the UX of someone visiting a web page and transitioning to a virtual reality context
  • Creating meaningful virtual experiences, focusing on real-world data and letting visualization principles guide the “usefulness” of an interaction
  • How WebVR represents a unique opportunity to enhance existing content and what the future might hold from the way we interact with content
Photo of Ben Foxall

Ben Foxall


Ben Foxall is an independent developer and freelancer. He loves the web and has a particular fondness for JavaScript. If something can be live demoed, Ben will live demo it.