Put AI to Work
April 15-18, 2019
New York, NY
Miro Enev

Miro Enev
Senior Solution Architect, NVIDIA


Miro Enev is a senior solutions architect at NVIDIA, specializing in advancing data science and machine intelligence while respecting human values. He supports the Pacific Northwest teams engaged with cloud, industrial, and retail clients while participating in research in deep reinforcement learning and edge-to-cloud AI. Miro holds a PhD from the University of Washington’s computer science and engineering department, where his thesis was on machine learning applications for information privacy in emerging sensor contexts. He studied cognitive science and computer science as an undergraduate at the University of California, Berkeley.


9:00am - 5:00pm Monday, April 15 & Tuesday, April 16
Location: Sutton Center
Wenming Ye (Amazon Web Services), Miro Enev (NVIDIA)
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) projects are becoming increasingly common at enterprises and startups alike and have been a key innovation engine for Amazon businesses such as Go, Alexa, and Robotics. Wenming Ye and Miro Enev give you a practical introduction to the next step in DL learning, with lecture, demos, and hands-on labs. Read more.