Put AI to Work
April 15-18, 2019
New York, NY
Tim Nugent

Tim Nugent
Freelance, Lonely Coffee


Tim Nugent pretends to be a mobile app developer, game designer, tools builder, researcher, and tech author. When he isn’t busy avoiding being found out as a fraud, Tim spends most of his time designing and creating little apps and games he won’t let anyone see. He also spent a disproportionately long time writing his tiny little bio, most of which was taken up trying to stick a witty sci-fi reference in…before he simply gave up. He’s writing Practical Artificial Intelligence with Swift for O’Reilly and building a game for a power transmission company about a naughty quoll. (A quoll is an Australian animal.)


4:55pm5:35pm Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Interacting with AI
Location: Regent Parlor
Secondary topics:  Deep Learning and Machine Learning tools, Reinforcement Learning
Paris Buttfield-Addison (Secret Lab), Mars Geldard (University of Tasmania), Tim Nugent (Lonely Coffee)
Average rating: *****
(5.00, 9 ratings)
Games are wonderful contained problem spaces, making them great places to explore AI—even if you're not a game developer. Paris Buttfield-Addison, Mars Geldard, and Tim Nugent teach you how to use Unity to train, explore, and manipulate intelligent agents that learn. You'll train a quadruped to walk, then train it to explore, fetch, and manipulate the world. Read more.